A place to happen...
Coal's Not Cool Petition
In the spring of 2020, the United Conservative Party of Alberta quietly rescinded the long-standing 1976 Coal Policy governing the development of coal resources in the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta. They then proceeded to grant several large leases for coal development in the area, to primarily corporations based in Australia, and authorized activities in pursuit of that development. As more of the provincial population became aware of these developments, opposition to these actions began to emerge and grow, due to obvious environmental, economic and treaty concerns. In response the Alberta government stated in February 2021 that they would reinstate the 1976 policy, but they did not cancel all of the newly granted leases, nor did they halt the ongoing activities in pursuit of opening mines. Activity is ongoing in regards to road building and drilling in the region.
This petition is an effort to undeniably inform the Alberta government that a significant number of people unequivocally do not want open pit coal mining of any kind to take place in these places. The economic return on metallurgical coal is insignificant compared to the value of the intact ecosystem of the region. The essential role that this entire region occupies in a variety of land uses, the absolutely critical function in the water cycle of the Canadian Prairies, and the spiritual & cultural value of this area is far too great to squander for relatively paltry, short-term returns to the people of Alberta and Canada.
This petition is inspired by the Citizen Initiative Act (Bill 51), and is not an official petition under the Act, as this Act has not yet passed, but is currently making its way through the legislative process.The text of the Act can be found here: Bill 51 Citizen Initiative Act. This petition is still an expression of the will of those who sign it. You may sign this petition even if you are not an Alberta Elector (defined at the check box), but in the case that you are an Elector, please do indicate that, by checking the box. Also please provide permission to contact you in the future regarding ongoing developments. Should Bill 51 pass, a new official petition may be initiated at that time, which will require an actual physical signature, as opposed to a digital one. We will work out a process should it become necessary. Thank you for your support.
The Petition
We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Government of Alberta to immediately rescind all coal leases, and the permissions related to those leases in regards to exploration and site disturbance, until such time as an in-depth and independent consultation on appropriate land use and development takes place for the lands in and adjacent to the Rocky Mountains in Alberta (all Alberta land west of a line drawn between Demmitt, AB and Carway, AB), and an appropriate policy is enacted and enshrined in law.
You do not need to be an elector to sign this petition, but if you are, we need to know for the Bill 51 requirements.
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